
fivebucks shirts

Gute T-Shirts gibt's zum Glück viele. Wir möchten gerne unter dem Label "pointers" auf das eine und andere gute Stück hinweisen.

fivebucks shirts, z.B., bietet eine Reihe interessanter T-Shirts mit deutschen Texten an. Nicht alles entspricht unserem Geschmack, aber gut find ich z.B. das an Annett Louisans Liedtext erinnernde "Ich tu dir nichts, ich will nur spielen", oder Weltkulturerbe.

Bitte wenden! würde gut in unsere eigene Kategorie von right/wrong shirts passen :)

Übrigens könnt Ihr auch bei mehreren verschiedenen Spreadshirt-Shops einzelne Artikel in einem Schwung bestellen, ohne Versandkosten mehrfach zahlen zu müssen.


ihaumio rundumadum

Zur Feier des Tages zwei neue (Text-)Designs aus der Reihe der MundarTshirts:

MundarTshirt: ihaumio

MundarTshirt: rundumadum
(wobei "rundum" vorne + "adum" hinten = "rundumadum" ;)

Die Farben der T-Shirts und der Drucke sind ehschowissen naturgemäß nicht ident mit den Bildschirmfarben, sollten sich aber ein wenig entsprechen. Bei den T-Shirts könnt Ihr im Shop beim Einkauf zwischen ein paar Farben wählen.

Wenn Ihr Ideen für weitere T-Shirts habt oder eines unserer Designs auf etwas gedruckt haben wollt, was wir noch nicht anbieten, lasst es uns wissen.

Siehe auch: Alle Artikel der Kategorie "MundarTshirts"

right/wrong (by hand)

Here we go with another genuine design from the WRONG series which, of course, now should be called the right/wrong series. In fact, this is the name of the shop's category: right/wrong shirts.

right/wrong upside down
If you would like to see this design printed on any stuff that we do not yet offer, feel free to contact us or leave a comment here.

See also: All articles with design "right/wrong (by hand)" and all articles in category "right/wrong"


: ) ( :

Another genuine design from the smilies' series is ready for printing.

If you would like to see this design printed on any stuff that we do not yet offer, feel free to contact us or leave a comment here.

See also: All articles with design "smiling smilies" and All articles in category "smilies"



MundarTshirts ist die neueste Serie von T-Shirts von contradicTshirts. Hier sind Voransichten der 3 ersten Texte:

contradicTshirty MundarTshirt: vagises

contradicTshirty MundarTshirt: bisdudebbad

contradicTshirty MundarTshirt: nokat (drunter)

Die Farben der T-Shirts und der Drucke sind naturgemäß nicht ident mit den Bildschirmfarben, sollten sich aber ein wenig entsprechen. Bei den T-Shirts könnt Ihr im Shop beim Einkauf zwischen ein paar Farben wählen.

Wenn Ihr Ideen für weitere T-Shirts habt oder eines unserer Designs auf etwas gedruckt haben wollt, was wir noch nicht anbieten, lasst es uns wissen.

Siehe auch: Alle Artikel der Kategorie "MundarTshirts"


Shirts for couples

A friend had the wonderful idea to create T-shirts for couples. We wanted each of them to have (some;) meaning on its own, and added fun when worn together. Two of each are now available.

he is always wrong and she is always right

T-shirt she is always rightT-shirt he is always wrong

she's right i'm wrong and he's wrong i'm right

T-shirt he's wrong i'm rightT-shirt she's right i'm wrong

For the shirts you may choose among some colors. If you would like to see this design printed on any other stuff feel free to contact us or leave a comment here.


The WRONG series

We will do a series, in fact we have just started it, about right versus wrong, wrong versus wrong, and so on. Some of the designs, again, are inspired by numerous postings at rattus rattus' blog, especially, of course "What is wrong". We are planing to add some genuine designs but for now we are happy to show you some available text designs:


totally wrong

WRONG but wrong


Please note that colors of the actual print and of the shirts will be slightly off. For the shirts you may choose among some colors (click on the shirt's thumbnail if you do not see the color chooser/ Farbtabelle).

If you would like to see this design printed on any stuff that we do not yet offer, feel free to contact us or leave a comment here.

See also: All articles in category "right/wrong"

dichoTomizer on T-shirts

contradicTshirty T-shirtWe have now added 2 shirts for women featuring our design dichoTomizer.
T-Shirts currently available with this design are:

Please note that colors of the actual print and of the shirts will be slightly off. For the shirts you may choose among some colors (click on the shirt's thumbnail if you do not see the color chooser/ Farbtabelle). If you would like to see this design printed on any other stuff feel free to contact us or leave a comment here.

Go on, dichotomize!

See also: All articles in category "dichoTomizer"


: * :

Our 3rd genuine design has been approved and is now available for printing.

If you would like to see this design printed on any stuff that we do not yet offer, feel free to contact us or leave a comment here.

See also: All articles in category "smilies"

Plain text vs. genuine designs

Without going too much into technical details, many providers of T-shirt shops distinguish genuine designs (often called vector designs) and "simple" text when it comes to printing on shirts and stuff. For example, it depends is a genuine design drawn by hand and then converted to a digital vector design suitable for printing. Whereas don't! provoke me! is simply text printed in Arial font.

Unfortunately, text designs do not show up in the list of designs (Motive) of the shop itself, and the text on the thumbnails of the shirts is often too small to get an idea of what it might look like. Therefore, we include sort of previews of text designs in our postings of all designs by contradicTshirts.


don't! provoke me!

To get you an idea what it might look like here is our text design "don't! provoke me!" printed with Arial font in neon orange on sunny yellow:

don't! provoke me!
Please note that colors of the actual print and of the shirts will be slightly off. For the shirts you may choose among some colors (click on the shirt's thumbnail if you do not see the color chooser/ Farbtabelle). If you would like to see this design printed on any other stuff feel free to contact us or leave a comment here.

See also: All articles in category "don't! provoke me!"

Fast forwarding

We are moving fast forward. In other words, I'd need a little more sleep ;-)

Favicons showing two hedgehogsSince last night our blog and shop have two cute favicons. One is rather limited in creating these little fellows. So, just in case it is not obvious, they feature our little contradicTshirts hedgehog from our logo. BTW, someone did the logo. I just did the faviconization. All praise to someone.

Today, we uploaded our third genuine design. Right now we are waiting for the confirmation of the provider.



Our second genuine design has been approved by our provider. We proudly present the "dichoTomizer", a design inspired by some ratTus rattUs postings on dichotomies.

If you would like to see this design printed on any stuff that we do not yet offer, feel free to contact us or leave a comment here.

Happy dichotomizing!

See also: All articles in category "dichoTomizer"


it depends on T-shirts

Our first genuine design, it depends (drawn by hand), has been approved by our provider. For a start, we made the following shirts featuring this design:
As always you can freely choose the color of the shirts. Please contact us if you would like to see it depends printed on any other stuff.

See also: All articles in category "it depends"


contradicTshirty brand shirt

contradicTshirty T-shirt
The "contradicTshirty" T-shirt is our brand shirt, of course. We have chosen the Comfort-T type shirt for this which comes in many sizes, and it is rather versatile. As always, you can freely choose the color of your shirt.

This shirt features our official short URL cTs.wox.at printed on the left sleeve.

Official start of shop

We herewith officially declare our contradicTshirts shop opened. Have fun!


Official short URLs

We now have two official short URLs for our blog here:
Mainly, we plan to use them for printing on shirts and other stuff.

it depends (by hand, 2007-04-19)

You know it all depends. The first can only be so if there will be a second, and only if there was none before. But who knows if it depends?
Anyway, here is our first ;) "official" design.

See: All articles in category "it depends"


cOOl! I'm in!



Welcome to our new blog "contradicTshirts" with announcements of additions and changes to our T-shirt shop "contradicTshirts", and pointers and links to other designs and information.